My new strategy

During my hiatus I had the opportunity to do something I couldn’t while I was more wholly dedicated to writing and being successful as a writer.

I had written about it, how my analysis of the growing, changing industry has convinced everyone that they can become a published author. And they can. At a price. I asked the question while doing an economic analysis of the publishing industry about who was benefitting most.

My answer was the industry, it wasn’t the readers, who weren’t reading any more, but they were buying more. And it wasn’t the author, although more books were being sold, those books belonged to a very elite group. That means that authors are not the producer of the industry, but another consumer.

I saw that the formula for success as an author is:

Hard work + Dedication + Luck = Success

Two of those things an author can manage. The third is out of their control. Except it isn’t, the more an author produces, the more opportunities they have to be noticed, and effectively increase their chances of getting lucky.

So, that is what I’m going to do. I’m going to keep writing and I’m going to keep posting it in the places where I feel I can be noticed by readers, the people who I actually care notice me. So, you will see more of my writing. It will be more raw, but I will do my best to keep it coming. Hopefully to the enjoyment of my readers, but I do have fun writing so I’d keep doing it even if no one ever read it.

I’m back


Although my intent was not to sound quite so ominous with my title, I do enjoy it for that reason.

After a very long, and for anyone waiting for me to get back on the writing train, worse for me than for you, I hope. I know I don’t have a fan club, and anyone who cares about anything I write is most likely on my personal Facebook page so they know what I’ve been up to. But for anyone wondering why I stopped producing and missed all my self-imposed deadlines. I got busy.

In neither chronological order, nor order of importance;

I got married.

Became a father of two.

Graduated college.

Started my first real, professional, civilian job.

Started the CPA exams.

Finished the CPA exams.

Somehow didn’t get too soft in between.

Somehow stayed married.

Now, I’m back writing. Probably not as fast as I have been in the past, I have more responsibilities, and subsequently less time.

For anyone who has tried to connect the dots on what I’m coming out with next, I’m no marketing mastermind, and my muse does drag me by the ear. My horror will be released through Wattpad, and a few other places, but it is the one already available online, through every major e-book outlet. Nothing new, just free now. If you feel like buying it than I’m not going to stop you.

I’m going to release my first fantasy in chapters completely free. As I finish the sequel. I have a few more in the pipeline, but I’m not sure what will come after that.

As I said, I’m back.

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