Our words

Daily writing prompt
What’s your favorite word?

Words so small
fickle creatures
little mirrors

Reflect you
maybe me
perhaps us

Gusts of air
we create
draw upon

History’s well
drink deep

Also, I don’t have a favorite word.

I want to thank you for taking the time to read the above piece. This is a new medium for me, and any commentary you may have, I do appreciate. These are all drafts, if I ever take them further, I would expect edits as a part of the natural process. 

Photo by Vitor Paladini on Unsplash

3 thoughts on “Our words

  1. I love that you use unsplash photos. I have found a great resource to help me write poetry, Jacqueline Siskin has written a book entitled “Every day is a poem.” She helps me go below surface thoughts and bring up meaty images. Good luck! Enjoy the ride with Little. He will grow up way too soon!

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