Guilty table

Daily writing prompt
What are your favorite types of foods?

Guilty meal constructs
Layers of adipose tissue
Built by industrial churn

On faux wood table
Global shipping lanes
Chuff black smoke path

Serve murdered stock
Half lives in dark pens
Grim path to slaughter

Modern dish and dinner
Global system shared
Too big a bite for all

A simple meal shared
Table packed with love
Take a guilty seat

Author’s Note: Poetry can have barbed language, that is intended to elicit a response. Any of my works that comment on ecology and our actions are not intended as personal attacks. It is to acknowledge that we each play a part as consumers, in a system that is older and bigger than each of us. I’m not ignorant of our individual inadequacy to solve these problems. It would take major systemic overhaul to change, but those also start at the individual level. Those changes, start by planting small seeds, which is all any of us can do.

I want to thank you for taking the time to read the above piece. This is a new medium for me, and any commentary you may have, I do appreciate. These are all drafts, if I ever take them further, I would expect edits as a part of the natural process. 

Photo by Sushobhan Badhai on Unsplash

7 thoughts on “Guilty table

  1. With regard to your excellent closing notes, you might feel refreshed and enabled by going to my search bar and pulling up “In the Grassroots Begin.” Gee, I THINK I made “grassroots” one word. If you don’t get the piece, try two 🙋

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