Luxurious Exercise

Simple luxury this exercise
Fitness routine, active lifestyle
Luxury of youth, exchange rate free
Paid with energy, time, responsibility

Aged into commitments
Spouse, Children, work-life routine
Upgraded available resources
Gathered a loving troupe, family

Adipose tissue gathers around
Getting the kids out in the morning
A flurry of emails and conference calls
Dinner, bedtime, evening partner chatter

Daily routine, time given, to and for
Loved ones, exchanged for ascetics
Fitness routine, Active lifestyle
Easy decision, free of guilt, full of love

Author’s Note: Before I get dragged to the high court of opinionated internet denizens. It is the responsibility of a parent to be healthy for their family, for a lot of reasons. However, the time necessary to work out for 30 minutes to an hour, as it may be recommended daily isn’t always a luxury that people have. That’s all.

Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

Featured image Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

Fly me to the moon

Take a seat
The launch will get a bit bumpy
Only three G’s, all we ask is

Take a seat
You may unbuckle, let loose
It will only be three days journey

Take a seat
Ascent will be quick, don’t mind
the gravity, but keep your suit on

Take a seat
Beside the ship, enjoy the view
A pale blue dot, your home

Take a seat
You know the drill, a slow trip back
Three more days, almost home

Take a seat
Buckle up, this is the hard part
Double the G’s and five thousand degrees

Take a seat
Lean back in a chair, enjoy the night air
Look up and enjoy the old gray moon

Photo by Luca on Unsplash

Featured Image Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Write Diamonds

In the interests of brevity, I’ll do my best to be short. Blogging encourages that as a format. Which I don’t mind.

A brief exchange I had with another writer, where he was quite critical of those who write for self-expression, closed the gap on my own considerations of writing. There is a quote I love attributed to Ernest Hemingway, “There’s nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein.”

On one hand, I believe that writing for the purposes of self-expression is incredibly selfish. It is the equivalent of saying, I have problems, here they are, and I expect you to dedicate your precious time to consuming them. Also, be nice to me. I believe that.

Conversely, Hemingway is right where by right. And an author can lay themselves down as a sacrifice to their community on a topic. Which is incredibly selfless.

How to thread the needle on that, and where is the final decision on that? Readers get to decide ultimately, once a work is released it how it is consumed by the world is not up to the author. It isn’t fully your work anymore.

This is where being conscious of that thin line between selfish self-expression and deliberately serving up a piece of one’s self for public consumption matters. I’ll use the idea of crafting diamonds, not for their rarity (See Debeers intentional supply control), or their beauty, because that doesn’t matter. But because of the way a diamond is cut, and how it reflects and refracts light. How it is different depending upon the angle it is viewed at.

Read any work, and the resulting criticism. How each era will inject itself into a piece and gain new relevance. Was John Milton a feminist? is one of my favorites. When a writer presents something personal and relevant, that can be respected for its substance enjoyed from its artisanship, those works become diamonds. Relevance to the greater public, either as a piece of historical social commentary, or something that always carries new weight. Diamonds are timeliness to as an addition to the metaphor. 1984 by George Orwell as a great example of a book that always feels relevant.

Many works carry far greater weight than the author intended, The Outsiders strikes me as a book greater than the author intended. Milton’s Paradise Lost, well, he was pretty arrogant, talented but arrogant. This is all to say that the intention of the author, the care which they manage their craft, and deep consideration for their reader all matter. And with a bit of luck, a culture or institution will align itself with a work and give it greater reach.

As a final note, I’m not arrogant enough to believe I craft diamonds. Most of what I do is blindly stumbling through writing.

Photo by Pereanu Sebastian on Unsplash

Featured image Photo by Andrik Langfield on Unsplash

Menu of a parent

Daily writing prompt
What food would you say is your specialty?

What sates the hunger of children?
Decades of culinary curiosity

Draw deep from the well of experience
To satisfy their myriad tastes

Well stocked refrigerator, bountiful gift
Extrapolated options, limitless potential

Would you like ketchup with your corndog?

(Not my children) Photo by Keren Fedida on Unsplash

Featured image Photo by Vitalii Khodzinskyi on Unsplash