Taxes and fees apply

Daily writing prompt
If you had a million dollars to give away, who would you give it to?

A million dollars
Inflation adjusted

Doesn’t buy much
A bit of good will

Change a life
Take the edge off

Constant pressure
Uncertain economy

Too easy to spend
With taxes and fees

Maybe buy a plot of land
Preserve it for the Earth

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Featured Image Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

What is the point?

Daily writing prompt
What’s something you would attempt if you were guaranteed not to fail.

Not sure why even bother if failure isn’t a risk?

Climbing a mountain isn’t fun because of the view. The view is only great because of the climb.

Regardless, I’ve been light on meaningful poetry posts, partially because I’ve been trying to submit to publications and they get persnickety if it has been published elsewhere. WordPress counts.

This link will take you to my latest:

Apnic Dreams

I have about 60-70 worth of combat/war-themed ones that revolve around the veteran experience that I prefer to publish traditionally (To see if I can, the challenge is the point). The above is in that vein. Although a more recent write-up.

I’m at about 8 formal rejections which in the spirit of this prompt is kind of low. I figure when I get rejected closer to 50, I’ll be in the ballpark of close to success.

Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

Featured Image Photo by Kamil Pietrzak on Unsplash

Apnic Dreams

It shapes me, squeezes the 
tender flesh around my throat
while the snake I swallowed 
slithers out my mouth

Almost nightly I wake, the 
growling noise of an engine 
or an animal, it is me, my 
chortle choking ragged breath

Never the night hag, aliens 
phantoms or slender men
long fingers, magic powers 
pressed upon my chest 

I see nothing, feel nothing
Not my breath only paralysis
grips me, I struggle within my 
head I battle, unmoving

It frightened me the first time
when Amara, crawled from her 
well, cursed me with frozen 
black fingers, I’m alone now

Resigned to my fate, I will my
arms to move, my asphyxiated
brain lets me fight a moment 
longer before an adrenaline shot

I gasp for air, this regular beat
of an alarm clock wakes me to 
oxygen infusion, I stare at the 
dark wall, time to get up I suppose

This burnt offering, of human 
waste burnt pits of scar tissue
into my lungs, left over shrapnel 
from that long War on Terror

Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

I’m on Facebook, there I’ll be able to communicate with people more directly, and also have more writing updates, beyond daily musings and light bits of poetry.

Follow me on Facebook here.

Daily habits

Daily writing prompt
What was the hardest personal goal you’ve set for yourself?

Do the write thing,
the write thing?
Yes, the write thing.

Write daily, every day
Even when I’m tired
Even when it stinks

Most days it isn’t
any good, just a few
lines to say I did

Little toward the
novel, it’s true but
it’s a daily practice

Practice daily, the
struggle is the habit
Habit is everything

Full disclosure, writing isn’t my “hardest” goal, but it is my current personal one. I have been struggling to keep after the novel that I’ve been working on. I blasted through the first half, then hit a wall. Poetry has kept me “writing” but hasn’t been constructive toward finishing that book.

Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

Featured Image Photo by Nikola Knezevic on Unsplash

Hobby, an indulgent fantasy

Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite hobby or pastime?

Work, that torturous hobby
borrow time undeserved
validate me with salary
another unfulfilling day

Write me an escape
route, hiding right here
Of course I’m with you
somewhere else, too

Exercise my freedoms
Never free from myself
I’m half the problem
One more heavy set

Garden grows tall
green juicy stalks
pull dinner with dirty
hands and tiny seeds

Indulgent fantasy
these hobby ideals
never enough time
work and family first

Photo by Sebastian Unrau on Unsplash

Featured image Photo by kazuend on Unsplash


Daily writing prompt
What’s a topic or issue about which you’ve changed your mind?

I threw a poem together, then realized it wasn’t really getting anywhere.

My short comment, out of respect for your time on a Saturday. I do my best, as an opinionated adult to be slow to form an opinion.

I’m not saying it is a perfect approach, but I’ve made enough mistakes to be pretty comfortable knowing that I don’t know enough about any topic to have a fixed opinion. Not trying to say that I’m the most humblest, only that I’ve slid down the Dunning-Kruger slide of awareness enough to know I have a lot to learn. I’d rather come at a topic from a place of learning than a fixed position or opinion.

It’s the weekend, if you have the luxury spend some time with a book, or with people you care about.

Photo by Giammarco Boscaro on Unsplash

Featured image Photo by Jaredd Craig on Unsplash

Lamest Apocalpyse ever

Daily writing prompt
Your life without a computer: what does it look like?

No poem on this prompt.

I am imagining the lamest apocalypse movie ever, where everything is fine, but chaos reigns. And all these people wander outside blinking and looking at the sun and each other. Unsure what to do now.

Short answer, computers have been an incredibly enabling technology. But thye have also shackled us all with expectations of performance. We do perform at a higher level, and we do connect further and faster. At a serious cost.

I’d also need to find a new job, the computer is my tool of the trade.

Photo by Daniil Silantev on Unsplash

Featured Image Photo by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash