A little fear

Bloganuary writing prompt
What’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it?

A little fear
A little caution

A bit healthy
A bit of caution

A pause for risk
A pause for thought

What could go wrong?
What could go right?

Ah, maybe yes
Ah, maybe no

Photo by Leio McLaren on Unsplash

Kids these days…

Bloganuary writing prompt
What do you complain about the most?

Not a complaint, per se
You know, but you know
Comment really, if it is
Concern, if you would

But these kids, just so
So much, time, always
Energy, just constantly
And so expensive, yeah

And, yeah, always so…
But what would I do
Without them, they
are everything, always

Still a pain though

Photo by Klim Sergeev on Unsplash

Dad, Dad, Dad

Bloganuary writing prompt
List five things you do for fun.

Dad, Dad, Dad,
Yes, little boy.
I did my chores,
I ate my lunch
Can we play Minecraft?

Little boy, yes.
I suppose,
What will we
build today?
Dad, Dad, Dad

Yes, little boy
I made a plan
An aquarium
A greenhouse, too
Dad, Dad, Dad

Yes, little boy
What about you?
A labyrinth
A castle, too
Dad, Dad, Dad

Yes, little boy
It’s chicken headquarters
In my castle!!!
Is that a pirate ship?!?
Dad, Dad, Yes.

Photo by Cederic Vandenberghe on Unsplash