Not a holiday, an hour

Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite holiday? Why is it your favorite?

I don’t need a holiday
Not a full day, at least

A day is a lot to ask
Perhaps an hour

Just one, a respected
Moment of peace

One hour without work
With the family, one hour

Nothing to sell, or buy
One simple elegant hour

Photo by Şahin Sezer Dinçer on Unsplash

I’m hiding this down here intentionally, content first, always.
Then all the promotion work.
I’m on Facebook, there I’ll be able to communicate with people more directly, and also have more writing updates, beyond daily musings and light bits of poetry.

Follow me on Facebook here.

Bedtime s’mores

Daily writing prompt
Have you ever been camping?

Pine needles
Crickets call

Firewood hunt
Embers glow

Grilled hot dogs
Bedtime s’mores

Sleeping bags
Sunlight Rise

Hot Coffee
Cold breath

Work tomorrow
But not today

I’m on Facebook, there I’ll be able to communicate with people more directly, and also have more writing updates, beyond daily musings and light bits of poetry.

Follow me on Facebook here.

Photo by Kyle Johnson on Unsplash

Tedious Task

Daily writing prompt
When do you feel most productive?

Fleeting Focus
Constant chase

Powerful productivity
Restrained resource

Distractions Disturb
Hindered headway

Silence stimulates
Obtained objective

Photo by Vladyslav Prokopenko on Unsplash

I’m hiding this down here intentionally, content first, always.
Then all the promotion work.
I’m on Facebook, there I’ll be able to communicate with people more directly, and also have more writing updates, beyond daily musings and light bits of poetry.

Follow me on Facebook here.

Fall short

Daily writing prompt
What are your favorite emojis?

Language limits
26 characters

Non verbals lost
Body language
Tone of voice

Emojis endeavor
And fall short

Some dialogue
Best in person
Or send a gif

Photo by Thomas Bennie on Unsplash

I’m hiding this down here intentionally, content first, always.
Then all the promotion work.
I’m on Facebook, there I’ll be able to communicate with people more directly, and also have more writing updates, beyond daily musings and light bits of poetry.

Follow me on Facebook here.

Open to discuss

Daily writing prompt
What topics do you like to discuss?

A bit of coffee to stimulate
A glass of beer to lubricate

Open to discuss


Family, but nothing personal
But not politics, too personal

I’m on Facebook, there I’ll be able to communicate with people more directly, and also have more writing updates, beyond daily musings and light bits of poetry.

Follow me on Facebook here.

Photo by pariwat pannium on Unsplash

I’m hiding this down here intentionally, content first, always.
Then all the promotion work.
I’m on Facebook, there I’ll be able to communicate with people more directly, and also have more writing updates, beyond daily musings and light bits of poetry.

Follow me on Facebook here.

Did he know

Daily writing prompt
When is the last time you took a risk? How did it work out?

Dusting off a poem that I haven’t published for this prompt, as it isn’t resonating today. This one is from a collection I have been building about a motorcycle accident.

It’s hard to say
Hard to assume

What he saw
If he saw
Or heard
If anything

The sun set
We saw
For him
Not us

Well intentioned
Not enough

Sirens wail
His groan
It’s too late
Did he know

Impotent hands
Damaged skull
Final thoughts
If any

Photo by Harley-Davidson on Unsplash

Hijacking this prompt

Daily writing prompt
Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.

This prompt is not connecting.

If you want to promote your site, you may do so in the comments below. You may also follow me on Facebook here.

Final question, I’m rereleasing my novel OP #7, starting to build buzz while I edit the two sequels that I’ve completed. What bonus content within that book, would you want to see? A few examples I already have staged are sneak peek chapters from the next novel, and a map of the real location.

Guilty inaction

Daily writing prompt
Write about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently?

Too much spilled ink
On guilty admissions

Too many, what ifs
Greater sin inaction

Too few look forward
A chance to do better

I’m on Facebook, there I’ll be able to communicate with people more directly, and also have more writing updates, beyond daily musings and light bits of poetry.

Follow me on Facebook here.

Photo by ricardo frantz on Unsplash

Long day?

Daily writing prompt
How do you unwind after a demanding day?

Tired hands, tired mind
Worn, aching, tender
Spiraling mind wound


Senseless team chatter
Taskings and demands
Drama, meetings, noise


Backyard birds choir
Cool relief craft beer
Pause, breathe, exhale

I’m on Facebook, there I’ll be able to communicate with people more directly, and also have more writing updates, beyond daily musings and light bits of poetry.

Follow me on Facebook here.

Photo by Peng Chen on Unsplash