Survivor’s guilt

Guilty thoughts intrude 
Upon a small head 
Groggy and quiet 
On my chest

His son can’t have this
Quiet domestic moment
A bullet pierced 
Through his chest

Is Grandma guilty
with giggling children
Joyful and carefree
An unplanned visit

He couldn’t give
This small precious gift 
A third generation
For a surprise visit

Divide and conquer
We tackle bedtime
Split simple tasks
Settle children to bed

Plenty to divide
But he isn’t there
Another night alone
Always outnumbered 

Nothing new to report
These costs always known
It doesn’t change 
that you are missed 

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Photo by Gabe Pierce on Unsplash

8 thoughts on “Survivor’s guilt

  1. Sometimes the world’s lack of care and consideration feels unbearable, as if those who have suffered loss are meant to continue living as if nothing happened. The people in the grocery store don’t know that my uncle died. How could they? But the woman behind me is still tapping her feet impatiently as I lose myself in thought staring at the gum he used to buy.

    Beautiful poem Adam.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Survivor’s Guilt:
    The past cannot be changed.
    Learn from the Past
    Live in the Present
    Plan for the Future

    Only God decides when we die….

    You lived so you can fulfill future purposes.

    Nothing is your fault by the Graces of God✝️✝️✝️

    Liked by 2 people

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