Uniformly unimpressed

Daily writing prompt
If you were forced to wear one outfit over and over again, what would it be?

Stretching on this one
WordPress lacks a bit
of creative sparks for
Daily prompts, getting
Bored out of my mind

Uniformly uninspired
outfit discussions of
Clothes, and generic
Topics without form
meaning, motivation

I’m on Facebook, there I’ll be able to communicate with people more directly, and also have more writing updates, beyond daily musings and light bits of poetry.

Follow me on Facebook here.

Photo by Wladislaw Sokolowskij on Unsplash

Risky business

Daily writing prompt
How important is spirituality in your life?

Spiritual request
Let go, the ghost

Religion / Politics
Similar sentiments

Better to chat among
Less ghastly topics

Than risk poltergeist
Conversation starters

I’m on Facebook, there I’ll be able to communicate with people more directly, and also have more writing updates, beyond daily musings and light bits of poetry.

Follow me on Facebook here.

Photo by Gwendal Cottin on Unsplash

Daily maintenance

Daily writing prompt
How do you practice self-care?

Self care, daily maintenance
Drives opportunity, to provide

Exercise maybe, always move
Sedentary lifestyle, slow death

Garden style diet, fresh, whole
Processing destroys quality

Social interaction preservation
Longevity in dialogue, shared

Basic recipe, simple program
Healthy quality long lived life

I’m on Facebook, there I’ll be able to communicate with people more directly, and also have more writing updates, beyond daily musings and light bits of poetry.

Follow me on Facebook here.

Photo by Thomas Kelley on Unsplash

Time wasted

Daily writing prompt
How do you waste the most time every day?

Time wasted, unproductive spend
Unearned, shared, never given

Internet garbage, forgotten scrolls
Cheap laughs, dopamine stimulated

Feet up, drink in hand, sun above
Wind blows empty thoughts away

Mind unfurled, thoughts blossom
Rewind creative productive spend

I’m on Facebook, there I’ll be able to communicate with people more directly, and also have more writing updates, beyond daily musings and light bits of poetry.

Follow me on Facebook here.

Photo by Urban Vintage on Unsplash

Grocer’s reflection

Daily writing prompt
Which food, when you eat it, instantly transports you to childhood?

Memory lane, nostalgia unwrapped
Tasty treat, personal ties revealed

Grandpa’s favorite wafer cookie
Faded memory, cigarette smoke

Family barbecue, off brand links
Beer battered, legacy seared

History trails off, grocery aisles
Edible tethers, caloric reflection

I’m on Facebook, there I’ll be able to communicate with people more directly, and also have more writing updates, beyond daily musings and light bits of poetry.

Follow me on Facebook here.

Photo by Robert Lukeman on Unsplash


Daily writing prompt
Who is your favorite historical figure?

Struggling this morning.

Short answer to the prompt, my favorite historical figures are the undocumented, nameless people lost to history.

The pyramid builders who called in sick, and now they are a note on a tablet. How did he tell the foreman? Send his kid, it isn’t like they can send the boss a text message.

The wife who started a successful brewery out of her kitchen that did so well her husband took over the business. Did she curse him while he paraded around like it was his idea and he was the smart guy? I’ve got this sweetie… while she rolled her eyes. Recommendation is this great book, A Woman’s Place is in the Brewhouse A Forgotten History.

Or the first person to ride a horse. To be the crazy person looking at them and running around, to not just say, yeah maybe. But who said, “Hold my beer.” That person changed human history.

I’m on Facebook, there I’ll be able to communicate with people more directly, and also have more writing updates, beyond daily musings and light bits of poetry.

Follow me on Facebook here.

Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger on Unsplash


Daily writing prompt
Write about your first crush.

First Crush
Youthful delight

Trim refreshing
Sweetly canned

Orange bubbles
Sipping soda

Summer heat
Chilled defeat

I’m on Facebook, there I’ll be able to communicate with people more directly, and also have more writing updates, beyond daily musings and light bits of poetry.

Follow me on Facebook here.

This image is the logo.

Explore perspectives

Daily writing prompt
What countries do you want to visit?

Global travel, or beyond
Expedition, adventure

Eat local food, local beer
Share stories, write more

Cross borders, boundaries
Alternative perspectives

International citizenry
Life examined, well lived

Walls and borders limits
Exploration expands

I’m on Facebook, there I’ll be able to communicate with people more directly, and also have more writing updates, beyond daily musings and light bits of poetry.

Follow me on Facebook here.

Photo by Sir. Simo on Unsplash

Failed exorcism

Daily writing prompt
What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

How to address the
elephant in the room

Stalking like a ghost
Shadow won’t let go

It’s will imposed upon
Overwhelming needs

Intrusive thoughts
Individual attachment

Failed exorcisms
Complete possession

Permanently affixed
Welded within myself

I’m on Facebook, there I’ll be able to communicate with people more directly, and also have more writing updates, beyond daily musings and light bits of poetry.

Follow me on Facebook here.

Photo by Ahmed Almakhzanji on Unsplash

Retirement planning

Daily writing prompt
How do you want to retire?

Retirement planning for
After the work is done

What if the work is
never done, not ever

Not on this Earth to
rest easy, consume

Do the minimum and
wait my turn to die

Rebel against age, live
until through the end

Always more to do
Plenty to be done

I’m on Facebook, there I’ll be able to communicate with people more directly, and also have more writing updates, beyond daily musings and light bits of poetry.

Follow me on Facebook here.

Photo by Luke Miller on Unsplash